Toshimitsu Niwa
President, Shubun University
President, Shubun University Junior College

The average life span of people in our country has lengthened drastically as a result of healthy diets and medical advances. Japan has become known as a country of longevity. However, on the other hand,
it faces a low birthrate and aging society, and this has led to various kinds of problems. In response to the changes of such social conditions, it has become the mission of our university to develop professionals aiming to contribute even more to our society.

Shubun University was established as a four-year university with the Department of Nutrition,
Faculty of Health and Nutrition in April of 2008. In addition, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing was established in April of 2016. Further, Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Medical Sciences was newly established in April of 2020.
In the Faculty of Health and Nutrition, we aim to train registered dietitians who conduct nutritional guidance based on scientific knowledge of individual eating habits and nutrition.
In the Faculty of Nursing, we aim to train nurses who have a high degree of expert knowledge and a deep respect for ethics and humanity. We aim to provide skillful nurses who contribute to the recovery and promotion of health for the citizens in our communities.
In the Faculty of Medical Sciences, we aim to develop medical technologists who contribute to medical care by acquiring broad culture and high ethical standards, rich humanity, expert knowledge and skills, and communication ability.
At Shubun University Junior College, we have the department of Living Culture and the Department of Early Childhood Education.
In the Department of Living Culture, we aim to train specialists in each discipline with an emphasis on business education, qualification acquisition, and decorum.
In the Department of Early Childhood Education, we aim to train kindergarten and nursery teachers who are highly trusted and valued by people in the community.

We hope you obtain the knowledge, skills, and professional qualifications at Shubun University, and expect that you will be helpful for the people and play an active part in the various fields of our society.