Registered dietitians must acquire a broad range of knowledge.
They are often required to cooperate with other staff members. Our students study the curriculum to acquire the knowledge and skills in those fields.
We offer the lectures which link basic and specialized study.
Students begin to learn chemistry and medicinal science from their first year. This helps them to address correct diet choices based on scientific evidence.
For maintaining human health through food, registered dietitians have to understand not only nutrition but also medical science. These lectures are conducted by medical doctors who possess profound knowledge gained through rich experiences in the field of medical practice.
Nutritional management in institutions is regarded as one of the most important jobs for registered dietitians. Therefore, students learn nutritional knowledge for practical use.
Registered dietitians have to cooperate with other staff members and to communicate with clients. This school is small, but we think that this is to our advantage as we are able to cultivate student abilities and their communication skills in smaller groups, lectures and seminars.