Prof. Akira Tamura

Students upon graduation are able to gain employment in institutions such as hospitals, schools, food services, etc. A registered dietitian is the specialist who supports life and health in society.
We train the specialist to play an active part in meal planning, food nutrition, food safety and client care. Students learn how to protect the body from disease and aging through lectures, experiments and trainings. They also study how the necessary nutrients are associated with physical health for the living body which is based on the science learned at senior high school.
Students acquire technical knowledge such as cytology and dietetics, and become familiar with food culture and modern environmental dietary habits.
We educate and train dieticians who can widely support the eating habits of people. Our trained dietitians will have the skills to work in hospitals, welfare institutions, school cafeterias, business establishments that serve lunches, health industries and within their own homes.
We prepare our curriculum to learn at university, not only to teach student techniques but also to enable them to prepare appropriate advice for the client having trouble or anxiety. We raise professionals who can manage health consultations and nutritional counseling about meals and the nutrients therein.