The Admission Policy, Curriculum Policy, and Diploma Policy of the Department of Nutrition, Shubun University.

ADMISSION POLICY (in-take plan of new students)

The Department of Nutrition aims to train advanced professional business people who contribute to the overall well-being of individuals. Our courses include information relating to health maintenance, illness recovery, and healthy growth through meal planning and preparation, and studying nutrition of overall health.

Therefore, the department asks for applicants to possess the following capabilities:

・Academic ability in chemistry, biology, mathematics and English
・Interest in food, nutrition, and health
・Ability to take on new challenges in positive philanthropy

CURRICULUM POLICY (organized plan of curriculum)

In order to obtain a diploma in Nutritional Science, based on the following fundamental views, the curriculum of the Department of Nutrition is composed as follows:

  1. Complete basic field and the special related basic field subjects.
  2. Complete special basic field and the special field subjects.
  3. Prove acquisition of knowledge and technique required for the professional registered dietician certification.
  4. Show fusion of knowledge and technique during the Field Practice of Nutrition.
  5. Possess the inner positive drive to continue to study for educational self-improvement.

(plan related to graduation authorization and degree conferment)

The Department of Nutrition, after required units are attained, will authorize graduation and grant a university Bachelor of Nutritional Science Degree to the student having the following capabilities:

  1. Possess a rich sense of humanity and a high sense of ethics.
  2. Attained broad knowledge and technique related to meals, nutrition and health.
  3. Have the ability to understand how health can be synthetically managed from the viewpoint of meal preparation and the nutrition it provides.
  4. Developed the skills as a specialist to assess an individual’s nutritional state and to design and counsel this individual in proper nutritional management.
  5. Acquired adequate communication skills corresponding to our growing global society.