We train nurses with humanity and ethics as well as with a high level of nursing skills and knowledge.
Students learn liberal arts and basic specialized subjects, and prepare for the practicum (clinical training) from the second year.
Required Subjects are written in red. Elective Subjects are written in black. The curriculum in 2017.
Human and Culture
<Required Subjects>
Food Culture / Intercultural Studies / Bioethics / Psychology
<Elective Subjects>
Life Aesthetics / Language and Expression / Pedagogy
Nature and Society
<Required Subjects>
Information Science / Chemistry
<Electively Subjects>
Constitution of Japan / Gender Theory / Life and Economy / Biology / Physics
<Required Subjects>
Comprehensive English / English Communication I / Communication Theory / Counseling Theory
<Electively Subjects>
Chinese / French / Sign Language
Comprehensive Subjects
<Electively Subjects>
Lecture: Exercise and Sport / Practice: Exercise and Sport
Students learn liberal arts and basic specialized subjects, and prepare for the practicum (clinical training) from the second year.
Required Subjects are written in red. Elective Subjects are written in black. The curriculum in 2017.
Human and Culture
<Elective Subjects>
Family Sociology / Philosophy / Music
Nature and Society
<Required Subjects>
<Required Subjects>
English Communication II
Students learn liberal arts and basic specialized subjects, and prepare for the practicum (clinical training) from the second year.
Required Subjects are written in red. Elective Subjects are written in black. The curriculum in 2017.
<Required Subjects>
English for Clinical Application
Students learn liberal arts and basic specialized subjects, and prepare for the practicum (clinical training) from the second year.
Required Subjects are written in red. Elective Subjects are written in black. The curriculum in 2017.
<Required Subjects>
English Paper Reading
The whole community will be the learning field. We provide high quality clinical training through our collaborative efforts with leading hospitals in the community.
Our students begin clinical training from the second year of study based on the philosophy of "Nursing is a science of practice."
Our training hospitals and health facilities are located within 30 minutes from Ichinomiya station, the nearest station from our university.
・Students start clinical training after completing sufficient basic education in the first year
・Students have generous support in small groups
・Students have the opportunity to learn in leading health facilities with hands on clinical training
Five students are placed into one group, and dedicated teachers will guide them closely throughout these clinical training sessions.
In addition, students are also placed into individual practice conferences in order to make clear and discuss issues or challenges they are experiencing with the clinical practice contents, nursing skills, and to help them achieve maximum results by reviewing their clinical practice.
Ichinomiya Municipal Hospital
Ichinomiyanishi Hospital
Nagoya University Hospital