We aim to train nurses who play a central role in team medical care

The one which is wished for in Japan where an aging society has developed, is the nurse who can support a community or medical center as a member of a team.
Because nurses take care of disabled persons and their family members, a person aiming to become a nurse is expected to have high quality medical knowledge, professional skills, wide sense of culture, and a deep understanding of humans.
Our substantial learning environment at Shubun University is prepared, and includes original curriculum which embodies the philosophy of our university, that is "We learn with people and we learn from people." To support this philosophy, we have employed clinically experienced teachers who have contributed to nurse training over a long period of time.


Based on our school philosophy, the mission of this faculty is to impart the knowledge and practice required to become a trained nurse or public health nurse. Students who have a high degree of professional and universal knowledge and are enthusiastic about contributing to health recovery, health promotion, and disease prevention in the community by respecting ethics and human nature are accepted into this faculty.
To support the healthy, vibrant, and fruitful lives of people living in a time of the declining birthrate and aging society, the nursing education system will convene along with the Department of Health and Nutrition. We aim to develop nursing students' leadership capabilities based on the scientific knowledge of nutrition.
In line with the above objective, we request that all those who wish to enroll in the university have the following personal characteristics: an interest in the job (as a nurse or a public health nurse), the desire for learning the concepts provided in the course by the university, and the basic academic skills needed for the learning process.


The aims of our Curriculum Policy are to honor the school's philosophy, cultivate a sensibility backed by rich humanity, and acquire the knowledge and skills needed as professionals and members of the community.

1. To foster nurses and public health nurses who can advocate patients' right in decision making, build a relationship of trust with patients, and care for patients with dignity and ethical considerations in order to create a nursing foundation that is based on scientific evidence and professional judgment.
2. To foster nurses and public health nurses who can contribute to the health recovery, health promotion, and disease prevention of people living in the community.
3. To foster nurses and public health nurses with the viewpoint of engaging in nursing-related activities by consciously cooperating with other healthcare workers (for example, to strengthen the foundation by improving the subject knowledge in the medical field and by exchanging information and cooperating with other medical team members while recognizing the role of each member of the medical team).


A degree will be awarded to students who have the following personal characteristics:

  1. Have a fundamental belief in the human rights of others and possess a deep respect for the dignity of human life.
  2. Have the ability to scientifically explore the phenomenon of nursing and contribute to the development of nursing.
  3. Have the ability to cooperate and collaborate with other healthcare workers in the fields of healthcare and welfare.
  4. Have the ability to continuously learn as nurses and public health nurses in the field.
  5. Have the ability to recognize the role of nursing in solving health problems in a globalized society.