We want to help community with the research achievements of faculty members and with the power of young students. With this in mind, we are developing activities in cooperation with local businesses and government.

Establishment of Shubun Community Research Center, a Strategic Base for Community Cooperation

On September 3, 2012, the school corporation, Shubun Gakuin (formerly Ichinomiya Women’s Gakuen), including Shubun University and Shubun University Junior College, established "Shubun Community Research Center" with the aim to carry out practical activities in the community as an open institution.

As the first project, a comprehensive agreement on industry-university cooperation was concluded with Bisai-shinkin Bank on October, 2012. In the future, we plan to expand the regional cooperation projects based on the following four pillars.

1) Recommendation and contribution to the community development initiative,
2) Community development activities through culture,
3) Cooperation activities with industry, and
4) Establishment of an international network.